Saturday, February 25, 2006

Spring Training!

Just wanted to share with everyone that Taylor made the 9th grade football team for next school year. These are some pictures from Spring Training which started this week. Those of you that have known us forever know that this is a miracle because we have been told since Taylor's birth that he would never play football or any kind of school sports for that matter due to his heart problems. Taylor made school basketball team this fall and now the football team and all with the okay of his cardiologist. Taylor went for a stress test this past January and the doctor was amazed at how well his heart performed under stress. He has now cleared him to play all sports which is a big victory for Taylor. He still has the same problems with his heart, but his heart is extremely healthy which is fantastic news. He will still be followed by the cardiologist and continue on with his daily heart medication, but all is good right now! Taylor is number 48 so keep your eye out for him in the pictures. I am sure you will see a lot more football pictures in the upcoming months.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Aloha Auntie Chante & Auntie Shirley

Hey Auntie Chante & Auntie Shirley.....I hope you found this website. I am SO happy to have gotten back in touch with you all. We love you guys and sure do miss you. Don't forget to check out the archives on this blogspot to see some good pictures of the boys.
Hugs and Kisses from the Mouser Ohana!!!!!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Okay...I have to tell you....I am married to one of the most romantic men out there! Check out my valentine gifts. Yes...that is a 300ZX! If any of you really know Jeff you know the passion he has for these cars! Anyways...that's the new toy. isn't brand new, but it is an immaculate little two seater(and very beautiful). Okay...on to Valentine's day. My man came to school and decorate the car with vinyl hearts all over the windows and the t-tops. He then strung valentine streamers all over the car (I took them off before I drove it home and took the pictures) and he left me a bright red key chain (to match the car) that says "hottie" on it in the driver's seat of the car. He tied two red hearts that say "hugs and kisses" around the rear view mirror. He also left me a very romantic card inside the passenger seat and three beautiful red pictures frames with photos of my boys, Jeff and the boys, and a photo of Jeff and I. So sweet..... Then at school I also received a "hugs and kisses" flower arrangement with tulips (my favorite flowers) in a "love" vase. He earned big time brownie points today.....I got lots of oohs and aahs from my co-workers. He did a very good job making me feel special today!!! I am so lucky to be married to such a great guy! I hope all of you have a day just as special as mine was.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

The only strike JD made all night and he was bowled it with his eyes covered up! That's talent!

Taylor got his thumb stuck in the!

Birthday Bowling

Bowling with some girls from church!

This was the worst rendition of Happy Birthday that I have ever heard!

Taylor and Mom....look how much he has outgrown me.....

Friday, February 10, 2006

Happy Birthday to Taylor!

Today is Taylor's 14th birthday!!!!! YIKES!!!! I can't believe he is that old. We are celebrating with a sleep!! Jeff is taking the boys out to play lazer tag and to do some bowling and skating over at the Fun Factory. Then they are all coming back to our house for the night. I am going to try to sneak in a little stamping time with some of my girlfriends while the boys are playing....we'll see how that goes. I will be posting pictures later this evening!!!

Monday, February 06, 2006

Red Neck Ninja....I think we have been in Alabama too long!

Mom...I have a cheese cracker in my ear...

Yes..those are the words that I heard come out of Riley's mouth at 11:30 pm on Friday evening. Of course my response is "how in the world did you get a cheese cracker in your ear???" Riley proceeded to explain to me how he was just lying down for his nap at preschool and the cracker jumped right off the table and into his ear. What do you do at 11:30 pm with a child who has a cracker in his ear????? We have dealt with the french fry up the nose dilemma before (thanks Taylor), Riley having swallowed a battery before, but never an object lodged in the ear. I didn't even know how to begin to remove a cheese cracker from his ear. Jeff was flying nights so he was no help! I dug out my "Taking Care of your Child' book and checked, but no section on removing a cracker from you ear. I couldn't even see the cracker in his ear so I had no clue how to remove it. I finally decided the next step would be call the advice nurse and see what she recommended. Of course, she got a good laugh out of it and after asking me what seemed like a hundred different questions she came to the conclusion that since it wasn't bleeding he was safe to wait until Monday to see the doctor. What a relief.....who wants to make a trip to the ER at 11:3o on a Friday evening to have a cracker removed.....definitely not me!!! end the story...Riley went to the doctor this afternoon and they safely removed the cheese cracker from his ear. really was in there and had started to break down inside there. Of course his ear was quite irritated from the cracker and he has an infection in the ear due to the cracker, but they got him all cleaned out and on some antibiotics and ear drops and he should be feeling better soon. All the time he stuck to his story that it just jumped off the table and into his ear!!!!Hopefully, this is the last cracker in the ear incident that we have for awhile.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Chris and Steven

This is my cousin Chris and second cousin Stephen.

Like son!

Two goofy guys.....goofing around!

Cutie Patootie!!!!

This is one of the cutest little guys I have ever seen....(ok..just a little prejudice here...ha ha). Gotta love the birthmark on his forehead!!!!

Alina, Connie and Lucille

This is my niece Alina, cousins Connie and Lucille (Skip's daughter).

Chris and Amanda

This is my cousin Chris and his girlfriend Amanda. Amanda is definitely one of the best dancers I have ever seen!

Uncle Tom and Gail