Monday, March 05, 2007

A brief summary of the loss

President Bush surveys the damage in Enterprise

236 Homes totally destroyed

121 Homes with major damage

140 Homes with minor damage

99 Affected properties

5 of the 8 teens killed were from Ft Rucker families

Saturday, March 03, 2007

more tornado photos

This is the actual tornado that came through E-town. It was HUGE!!!
My friend Karen lived here.
A view of the high school from the air.

A view of one of the neighborhoods in Enteprise.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

more tornado photos

What is left of the gymnasium.....this is where Taylor has 6th period everyday. One hour later and he would have been there! Yikes!
A view of the school from the parking lot
This van was just dropped in the middle of the field
A view of the neighborhood surrounding the school

Tornado rocks E-town

These steps are where I pick Taylor up every day from football.

School parking lot Another view of the parking lot
This is Taylor's weight lifting room (or what was the weight lifting is not gone)

Another photo!

What a day in Enterprise....there were lots of tears & lots of prayers....the tornado hit Taylor's school (where Dylan & Riley were sitting inside with Taylor) and continued on up the road to the high school. We are all heart broken by the devastation...please pray for our town!