Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Riley's Baseball Team

Riley played coach pitch baseball this year and was the team catcher. He did a great job catching and hitting. Jeff was one of the assistant coaches for the team and Riley enjoyed having dad out there on the field with him. Our team did great.....not the best...but not the worst. I would say we definitely won more than we that's a good thing. Way to go Dodgers!!!!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Medieval Times ~ Atlanta, GA

Our team was the yellow team.....which did win that night!

Riley was really into the show

Mom & Dad

Ready to cheer on our yellow knight

some dangerous young knights

they caught the guilty culprit

In April we took a weekend trip up to Atlanta just to spend some quality family time together. Taylor was up in Gatlinburg, TN for a youth retreat with the church youth group so the rest of us decided to get out and have some fun also. The highlight of our trip was a visit to Medieval Times.....the boys loved it. Riley really got into it and thought it was all for real. He had such and awesome time and can't wait to go again. He already put in his request to have his birthday party there....yeah right!!!

Dylan's School Program

Dylan's 3rd grade class did a Patriotic musical honoring those who serve our country. Dylan had a main speaking part in the program....which those of you who know how shy Dylan is know that this is a big deal. He did wonderful! The selected Jeff to represent the military and presented him with a nice gift thanking him for his service to our country.

My boys in the sky!

Jeff and his good friend...Ben
A view of our house from the sky...(we are the one with the little bit of red on the roof...right in the middle)
another shot of the house (again the middle one with the red tin roof)
another view of the house
Taylor, Jeff & Ben about to take off!
Taylor & Ben
Taylor & Jeff

Ben & Jeff can still text up at 15000 ft.

Ben and Jeff had to take one more flight together before Ben left for Honduras and Jeff left for Korea. Of course, Taylor always hops in whenever he can catch a flight with dad.

Pinedale Awards Ceremony

Riley & Mrs. Harrelson (his teacher) Riley received awards for Outstanding Academic Achievement, All A's in conduct all year, and Kindergarten Student Goverment Representative

Riley & Mr. Thomas (the principal)

Dylan & Mrs. Britt

Dylan received awards for All A's in conduct all year, A/B honor roll all year, 3rd Grade Student Government Representative


Thank God it is done!!! It was a long school year this year!!!!

The day in the life of a 15 year old!!!!

Chat on the computer....and....
(of course, this only applies when football isn't going on)

Ryan & AJ Memorial

The choir sounded beautiful.....even with all the tears!

Our school, Pinedale Elementary, raised funds to create a memorial for Ryan & AJ. These two former students of Pinedale lost their lives in Enterprise High School during the tornado. With the funds raised, our school purchase 4 picnic tables and a memorial plaque honoring these boys. We had a wonderful dedication service with the families of the victims and I was extremely proud how well the entire student body behaved and showed their respect for the families. There were very few dry eyes on the school grounds that day!

Boys day out!

Jeff took Taylor, Ryan (Taylor's friend from school) and Dylan down to Dothan for a little fun at Adventureland!

Basketball Award Banquet

Some photo of the Enterprise High School Basketball Banquet. Taylor received the award for the highest GPA out of the basketball players. Way to go Taylor....he's got the braun and the brains!!!!!

Neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt

Taylor & Morgan hiding eggs

Spanky found the first egg!
They are off!
Waiting for the prizes!

We hosted a neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt at our house. The kids had so much fun. Taylor and Morgan hid the eggs and the kids scrambled to find them. We gave out prizes for the most eggs found, 3 special prize eggs and an award to the least eggs found. The kids continued to hide the eggs over and over after the initial egg hunt.

Coloring Easter Eggs

The boys dyeing Easter eggs
Look at that sign he is concentrating hard.
Taylor made and EHS memorial egg
Dylan's cross and his EHS egg in the forefront
Look at all the goodies in the Easter baskets~!

Just a few snapshots of the boys coloring their easter eggs. Taylor only wanted to color one egg (he thinks he is getting too big for this) and dyed and egg blue with a pawprint in honor of those who lost their lives during the tornado on 3-1-07.