Monday, November 20, 2006

What a Turkey!

Just wanted to share a personal achievement that I achieved this past weekend. As many of you know, I started running back in January of this year. I started out by running 1/4 of a mile and walking the rest until I had completed 4 miles. I slowly increased my distance by 1/4 of a mile each week and by summer time I was running 4 miles five to seven days a week. I continued this pace up until I had my surgery in July. Then I had a major set back as I couldn't do any excercise for a full 6 weeks. After that I had to slowly build my running back up. My goal was to run a 5k to start with and then set a higher goal after accomplishing a 5k. Well, Saturday I got my opportunity to run my first 5k Turkey Trot run.....and much to my amazement I came in First Place for my age category. I was extremely shocked. Thanks to my wonderful coach....who pushed me harder than I have ever ran before. I received a nice trophy and was excited to take it to school today and share it will all my kids to try to motivate them. I am looking forward to my next run on December 2 when I will be running the Jingle Bell run with a few of my friends.

Go Raiders!

Riley's football team finally finished out their season. He was blessed to have a wonderful coach, Garrett Griffin, who also happens to be the PTO President at our school and the husband of one of my co-workers. The Raiders were undefeated the entire season and went on to win the City Championship without losing a single game. We celebrated with a pizza party at Pizza Hut were the boys received their trophies and awards. I will post the newspaper a little later!

Congratulations to the Raider team and a big Thanks to the wonderful coaches! Way to go guys! We are very proud of you all!

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Go Wildcats!

Just wanted to share Taylor's good news! Taylor found out Friday that he made the Enterprise Wildcats 9th grade basketball team. He was very excited and proud to have made the team and rightfully so. They had 53 boys try out for the team and they only selected 20 of those boys. Congratulations Taylor...we are so proud of you!!!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

What a week!

Wow...hard to believe how fast this week has flown by! Just a quick update on the Mouser gang. Football and soccer are officially over for Taylor.....but now it is on to basketball. We actually had one free night this week (where two football games and a soccer game got cancelled due to weather) and we almost didn't know what to do with ourselves. It was so strange to have a weeknight at home with nothing scheduled. We enjoyed a family dinner and watched the Cardinals play some ball. Riley's football team is doing really well and they are undefeated at this point. We have a big game on Tuesday against the Cowboys and they are the other undefeated team so it should be a fun game to watch. Dylan is finishing up with soccer, but he now got selected to play on the Ft Rucker All Star team. He was very excited about being chosen and can't wait to play in the tournaments. He is hoping they make it all the way up to state level. He has been going with me to the track right after school to do some running and then he works on some moves with the soccer ball while I finish up. I have been dealing with Staph infection this week. It actually started on Saturday with what I thought was a spider bite, but then it consistently spread each day. Yesterday I went to the doctor and he did a swab test to confirm that it was indeed staph infection. I acquired it from one of my co-workers at school and we are hoping that it doesn't start an epidemic at our school.
Now for the laughs of the week! Kids are definitely the greatest gift from God and they sure can make life so much fun. Monday, Riley's teacher called me aside and said "I just have to tell you this. We were working on our words today and one of our new words was HOT. Riley raised his hand and said I know what that means. Girls are hot! She said well what does hot mean, Riley? He said I am not sure, but I know girls are hot and boys aren't. His little friend Levi raised his hand and said I know. It means they are cute because my girlfriend is hot."
Oh yeah...another good one from Riley. Friday Taylor's girlfriend Morgan was at the house. They were playing Xbox with Riley in the room and Taylor tried to sneak a kiss in on Morgan. Riley (fulfilling his job as little brother) loudly proclaims..."UH...Excuse you two not see me sitting here???"
And...the laugh of the week from Dylan. Remember the guys all went to Wild Adventures this weekend. Well in packing to come back home Jeff put some of their clothes into Dylan's backpack. Well Tueday morning I was in the teacher's work room and Dylan stopped in to see me. He said "oh mom...I forgot to tell you....when I was on the bus yesterday I found a pair of dad's underwear in my backpack. So I decided to be Captain Underpants and put dad's underwear on and tied my red hoodie around my neck like a cape and then walked around the school like that". I said "Dylan...those underwear were probably dirty." He said, "no they weren't". I replied..."how do you know that?". He says...."because I smelled them mom". I was rolling on the floor laughing and of course the principal and vice principal had to walk up and hear the whole story. What a boy thing to do!!!!!!
Well enough for now....I hope you got a few chuckles....I have a few more good stories from this week....but the Cardinals are playing ball so I am going to get off this computer and go check out the game.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Boys weekend out

I guess you had to be there for this one.....I have no clue!!!

The boys.....representin'

Best Buds!

"I'm a little teapot"

AAAHHHH....whaatt'sss upppp.....Mmmrrr. Jjjjeeeffff!!!!!

This past weekend the boys had a guys weekend out. Jeff and Tim took all the boys to Valdosta, GA for a trip to Wild Adventures. Of course, any guys weekend out wouldn't be complete without a meal at Hooters. While the guys were away, I got quite a few small projects completed around the house and hosted a girls night out at my house on Saturday evening. We had so much fun that we decided to do it again on Nov. 4th and make it a sleepover this time.

Pam's Birthday

Ready for flight
A view of the beach line from above

Preparing for our return flight home

Pilot and Co-pilot


To celebrate my birthday, Jeff rented a plane and flew us and our friends (Tim and Kim) down to the Ft Walton Beach area for dinner. I had a chance to play co-pilot and even got to take control of the plane for awhile on the way down there and back up. We flew down to the Florida coast then straight down the beach line to the Ft Walton area. When we arrived at the airport, the restaurat sent out a van to pick us up. In the van I inquired about the wait time at the restaurant and they said it was about a 45 minute wait right now. When we arrived the took us in through the back door and walked us right past everyone in line and sat us immediately at a table. People were looking at us trying to figure who we were and why we were getting the VIP treatment. We even got our food order right away when the table next to us had already placed their food order before we even sat down. After dinner the drove us back to the airport and we had a nice flight back to Enterprise. It was an awesome birthday present.

More Beach Pictures

Help...I dropped my head!

Ooowww....that sun is bright

Dylan's new body

Aaron, Taylor, Dylan and the Hooters girl

Here are just a few more snapshots from the beach. These were taken by Tim & Kim and we just got the cd today, so I thought I would add a few more pictures up here.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Nerd Night

Momma & Poppa Nerd

Taylor & Morgan

Taylor won 3rd place (20,000 points for our team) in the costume contest!


Tonight was Nerd Night at our church youth group. We have started a L.I.F.E. program that runs from now until Christmas. Each week we participate in different games and dress up contest and the team that has the most points at the end of the year wins a free ski trip. I am attaching a few pictures of the Mouser Nerds.

Jason from Friday the 13th

Just a quick pic of the boys (Taylor, Aaron & Jeff) with Kane Hodder. Kane played Jason in Friday the 13th Parts 7, 8, 9, Jason X, & Freddy vs. Jason. It was a nice little fright to liven up their night at Wild Adventures.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Happy Columbus Day

I hope all of you are enjoying your time off to celebrate Columbus Day. We are enjoying the long weekend here in Alabama. We took a trip over to Wild Adventures in Valdosta, GA on Saturday and Sunday. The boys (Taylor, Aaron, Dylan & Riley) were excited to check out all the new Halloween shows and haunted houses'. They even got a surprise visit from Jason of Friday the 13th. I will be posting pics in a day or two.
We spent Monday catching up on a lot of projects around the house. We got Taylor's room painted and re-decorated. It looks awesome. He decided to go with a Retro theme and it really was a lot of fun shopping for the new decorations. I will get ya'll some pics up real soon. We also put up a new chandelier in the dining room and finished a few other projects that were on our to do list. I am hosting a girl's night out here on Saturday evening and I wanted everything to be just right for the big event. Luckily we have Tuesday off from work/school, so I have an extra day to finish up with the things that I didn't get to today.
Well it is off to bed for me....just wanted to wish you all a happy Columbus Day.
Be Blessed!!!

Monday, October 02, 2006

The Wildcats Game

I think one of the signs that we have really made Enterprise our home is the fact that we bought season tickets to the Enterprise Wildcats football games. This is the big thing to do on a Friday night here in Enterprise. Our seats are located near several friends and co-workers and we really have enjoyed getting out and watching the games. I am sure this will become an annual event since Taylor will be playing on the high school team next year. I have fallen in love with football and I am finally beginning to understand the game. As a matter of fact, just last weekend, my girlfriend Kim M. and I went down to Dothan just to watch the Wildcats play. The guys all hung out at Tim & Kim Waters house and watched the kids while the girls went to the football game. It was a blast!!!!!
Riley's kindergarten teacher (Mrs. Harrelson) sits on the same row as us at the football game. Her daughter just loves Riley and of course he loves "any" girl.

Taylor & Aaron being cool at the game. This was one of the few minutes that they actually sat down. They spend most of their time roaming the stadium and checking out the "sites".

Crystal and I were checking out the program to see if we was a winner for the evening. At every game they have different coaches sign some of the programs and if your program is signed you win a prize.

Aaron & Boobie (don't know how he got that name). Boobie plays on the football team with Aaron & Taylor. Every Friday night, after the football game, they all go to the church to play dodgeball till about 12:30 am. This started out as a small event and now they are having upwards of 300 teens show up every Friday night to play dodgeball. It is great that they have a safe, clean, drug/alcohol free place for the kids to hang out on Friday evenings. Jeff goes up every Friday and helps provide security and I occasionally show up to help out with the snack bar.

Dylan and Jake being silly at the game. Jake is our new neighbor and I must say he is definitely the most polite, well-mannered child I have ever seen in my life. That isn't just me saying that.....all of his teachers at Pinedale agree also. Jeff and I joke that one day we will discover he is really an "Eddie Haskell" because he is just so polite. We are so happy to have him as a neighbor and him and Dylan have become such good friends. Jake just moved here after 3 years in Korea and he is keeping Dylan informed on all the neat things he will get to do when we go over there.

Enterprise Jr High vs. Northview HS Dothan

Taylor is the first player you see bent down in the line up.

Here are just a few snapshot of Taylor playing football for Enterprise Jr. High. Taylor is number 85....see if you can spot him out there on the field. It was a very close game the entire night, but we pulled through in the end and won the game.

Riley's Birthday

Riley asked Seth to help him blow out the candles on his cake. Well....Seth had just taken a bite of chicken fries right before he was asked to help and guess what.......yes....he blew chicken pieces on the cake!!!!! It was hiliarous. Luckily it was only one corner and we just cut it off. It sure didn't stop any one from enjoying the cake!
It took about 10 attempts to get this one good photo of Riley and the cake. He is at that age where it seems so hard to get a "good" smile out of them.
Riley got embarrased when everyone sang Happy Birthday to him!

It was a big surprise to have Crystal come to town for Riley's birthday.
Crystal and I spent all morning running around LA (Lower Alabama) trying to get this cake together!

Wow...hard to believe that our baby just turned 6 years old. We celebrated with a birthday party at the Fun Factory. We were happy to have my niece, Crystal, in town to celebrate Riley's birthday with us! He was so surprised to see her show up.....what a nice surprise.
Riley is a kindergartener this year and has taken to school really well. He is the first kindergartener in the school to be reading and taking AR (accelerated reader) test on his own. I can't take any credit for this all belongs to the preschool he attended last year.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Labor Day 06

supermom to the rescue

Gilligan and Skipper

More Labor Day photos

Beach Buddies

Lost at Sea

EEEWWWW.....what is this???

Part of the boy crew!

Searching for Crabs

Labor Day 06

Aaron's cave collapsed on him!

Riley enjoying the waves!

What a handsome guy!

ok Jeff....that's enough photos!

Dylan catching some crabs!

For Labor Day, we made one last trip to Panama City Beach to mark the offical end of summer. We tagged along with some good friends of ours, Kim & Tim Waters and their 3 boys. The water was so calm, clear and warm. We had a great spot for the kids to play and the adults to relax. The boys had a blast playing in the ocean and the sand, searching for shells and catching jellyfish. It is so nice to be near the ocean once again.

Dylan's Birthday Party

I stayed up late on Friday evening making his Pokemon cake!

We celebrated Dylan's birthday on August 26th. We had a pool party over at Fox Hill commons pool and clubhouse. We had lots of kids, food and fun!!!!