Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Okay...I have to tell you....I am married to one of the most romantic men out there! Check out my valentine gifts. Yes...that is a 300ZX! If any of you really know Jeff you know the passion he has for these cars! Anyways...that's the new toy. No...it isn't brand new, but it is an immaculate little two seater(and very beautiful). Okay...on to Valentine's day. My man came to school and decorate the car with vinyl hearts all over the windows and the t-tops. He then strung valentine streamers all over the car (I took them off before I drove it home and took the pictures) and he left me a bright red key chain (to match the car) that says "hottie" on it in the driver's seat of the car. He tied two red hearts that say "hugs and kisses" around the rear view mirror. He also left me a very romantic card inside the passenger seat and three beautiful red pictures frames with photos of my boys, Jeff and the boys, and a photo of Jeff and I. So sweet..... Then at school I also received a "hugs and kisses" flower arrangement with tulips (my favorite flowers) in a "love" vase. He earned big time brownie points today.....I got lots of oohs and aahs from my co-workers. He did a very good job making me feel special today!!! I am so lucky to be married to such a great guy! I hope all of you have a day just as special as mine was.

1 comment:

YonderMan said...

Just wanted to congratulate you on your new toy :)